Make your money back, and then some

All it takes is one brand deal (or a few) and it pays for itself.

Receive 100 free leads a month
  • Receive 100 leads upon signup
  • Receive 100 leads monthly
Receive a new list every month
  • Receive previous month’s list
  • Receive leads monthly
  • 1000s of sponsored posts
  • 1000s of influencers
  • 1000s of brands
Coming Soon
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  • Receive previous month’s list
  • Receive leads monthly
  • Everything in Pro
  • 1 Growth Contact, LinkedIn, + Email per Sponsor (when available)

Questions we often get

Instagram and various databases to enrich data for any brands sponsoring posts.

Thousands - in our June list there were over 11,000 sponsored posts.

Brands of all sizes and from all industries (ecom products make up a big significant amount of the sponsored posts).

Worldwide but the vast majority are located in America.

URL, Creator, Creator Username, Creator Link, Creator Followers, Creator Category, Sponsor, Sponsor Username, Sponsor Link, Sponsor, Followers, Sponsor Category, Caption, Comments, Likes, Engagement Rate, Post Type, Video Plays, Time, Sponsor Website, Sponsor LinkedIn, Sponsor Employees #, Sponsor Industry, Sponsor Description, Sponsor Keywords, and Sponsor Technologies.

In the future we will also provide 1 growth contact per sponsor (Sponsor Contact First Name, Sponsor Contact Last Name, Sponsor Contact Title, Sponsor Contact LinkedIn, Sponsor Contact Email)

Once you sign up you’ll be given access to last month’s list of sponsored posts and once the current month closes


It takes a lot of time to gather all this information and it takes even more time (and resources) to enrich and verify the data. It’s cheaper and quicker to purchase these lists than it is to create them yourself.